Product Prices

ArchitectureAzure productsIndustryMS CAFMS WAFProduct Prices

Static Web Apps

Streamlined full-stack development from source code to global high availability

Azure Fluid Relay

Easily add real-time collaborative experiences to your apps with Fluid Framework

Azure page blobs

Rest-based blobs for storing index-based and sparse data structures

Azure Elastic SAN

Elastic SAN is a cloud-native storage area network (SAN) service built on Azure. Gain access to an end-to-end experience like…

Azure Managed Lustre

Azure Managed Lustre is a fully managed, cloud based parallel file system that enables customers to run their high performance…

Key Vault

Safeguard and maintain control of keys and other secrets

Azure Web PubSub

Easily build real-time messaging web applications using WebSockets and the publish-subscribe pattern

Managed Disks

Persistent, secured disk storage for Azure virtual machines

Azure confidential ledger

Tamperproof, unstructured data store hosted in trusted execution environments (TEEs) and backed by cryptographically verifiable evidence

Azure Private Link

Private access to services hosted on the Azure platform, keeping your data on the Microsoft network

Azure Firewall Manager

Central network security policy and route management for globally distributed, software-defined perimeters

Azure Front Door

Modern cloud CDN that delivers optimized experiences to your users anywhere

Azure Route Server

Enable network appliances to exchange routes dynamically with virtual networks in Azure


Lower costs with an enterprise hybrid cloud storage solution

Azure Stack Edge

An Azure managed device that brings the compute, storage, and intelligence of Azure to the edge

Azure Files

Simple, secure and serverless enterprise-grade cloud file shares

Table Storage

NoSQL key-value store using semi-structured datasets

Azure Firewall

Protect your Azure Virtual Network resources with cloud-native network security

Virtual WAN

Optimize and automate branch to branch connectivity through Azure

Azure Bastion

Fully managed service that helps secure remote access to your virtual machines

Virtual Network

Create your own private network infrastructure in the cloud

Load Balancer

Deliver high availability and network performance to your apps

VPN Gateway

Establish secure, cross-premises connectivity

Azure DNS

Host your Domain Name System (DNS) domain in Azure


Data transferred out of Azure data centers

IP Addresses

A dynamic or reserved address used to identify a given Virtual Machine or Cloud Service

Azure Data Box

Appliances and solutions for data transfer to Azure and edge compute

Spatial Anchors

Create multi-user, spatially aware mixed reality experiences

Remote Rendering

Render high-quality, interactive 3D content with real-time streaming

Kinect DK

Build for mixed reality using AI sensors

Azure Migrate

Simplify migration and modernization with a unified platform


Run your jobs on simple or complex recurring schedules

Azure Lighthouse

Empowering service providers to manage customers at scale and with precision

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